This is Eve at her 5th birthday party the day after her actual birthday. The house was decorated to suit the theme which was Eve's pretty girl pamper party. It looked like a scene from Cat in the hat where Cat makes cupcakes and they blow up and purple is sprayed everywhere....yep except it was pink, pink, pink. What a beautiful day for her though, my only daughter and there were 17 of them here! This picture makes me happy. (my butt kind of looks quite sexy there hahahahaha)
Manasseh and Ngatama (who is my 1st cousin) at Uncle James house having a swim. They remind of little old men sitting there. Manasseh reminds me of a Koro (Maori word for Grandpa) the way he walks and gets around. This picture makes me happy.
My big boy Ephraim and his friend Purauti Williams. During our Christmas stint in Perth we drove out to see some friends of ours, Marc and Emy Williams and their 3 children (now 4 children). These two were instant mates. This picture makes me happy.
This picture really makes me happy. Oh to be that age again where riding on the back of a Ute is one of the highlights of your whole holiday. Uncle Marc took all these kids on the back for a little ride on their 'outback' property. Eve of course had to be cross eyed but this was the only one I snapped where you could see all their faces even if Tiare is looking up. These are the kind of pictures I cannot wait for my children to look back on and remember.
Not a care in the world these children, most children actually. Playing outside with friends is my eldest sons biggest worry after school. To be that free from worries etc would be great but I guess we all gotta grow up sometime huh. I love looking back over pictures and remembering how I felt when I took them or was in them. I will admit that as I have had more kids I have not been so good...not that I ever was but there are about 4 dedicated albums just for Ephraim's first year of life *guilt* I know I will look back on all the pictures of them as babies and kids and wish for them to be that small again (they really are all still babies.)
It is nearly midnight and as usual burning the midnight oil. Today has been a bit stressful to be honest. Financial worries have been the stress of my day. Living pay to pay and still not being able to get the essentials needed is really wearing me down. I am grateful for a good job for my hubby and being able to have been a stay at home Mum but I am beginning to question whether it is time for me to go to work and help lift the load. We have some debt that we have had for a long time now due to just not ever getting on top of it because when we have needed something we have had to top up bank loans and just last year had to get a car that we could all fit in. Such is life yes, but I do not wish to go back to work and as much as I go crazy some days being at home, I have been able to witness all my children's milestones thus far and now there are two in school. How much will I miss out on? I pleaded, and I mean pleaded with Heavenly Father to help me to know what I need to do. Sad to say but hubby doesn't really take an interest in the financial side of things so I am left with the burden of robbing peter to pay paul then having to repay peter etc. I pleaded that my husband might have a desire to seek out help through prayer also as I cannot force him. We cannot put kids into swimming lessons (which is a luxury) and that annoys me and I have to really budget to buy shoes for kids or anything that costs more than $20 $30 and don't even think of replacing any of my raggedy clothes and shoes. I know there are plenty of families out there in the same boat. My husband has attempted a few times to go in the Mines but that is not as easy as people think it is especially if you have not been in there before. I am not sure I want that kind of life either with him gone all the time but again the thing for me is money or time??? Arggggghhhh I despise decisions.
Don't worry be feel that way I look at photos like the ones I have posted. I smile as the children are, longing sometimes to be where they are now in a happy state with not a care in the world. I also feel a little sad knowing that they too must grow up and go through the exact things that we adults have to. Enjoy life now my babies xo